Minggu, 07 April 2019

Download Ebook The Food of Malaysia: 62 Easy-to-follow and Delicious Recipes from the Crossroads of Asia (Authentic Recipes Series)

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Download Ebook The Food of Malaysia: 62 Easy-to-follow and Delicious Recipes from the Crossroads of Asia (Authentic Recipes Series)

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The Food of Malaysia: 62 Easy-to-follow and Delicious Recipes from the Crossroads of Asia (Authentic Recipes Series)

The Food of Malaysia: 62 Easy-to-follow and Delicious Recipes from the Crossroads of Asia (Authentic Recipes Series)

The Food of Malaysia: 62 Easy-to-follow and Delicious Recipes from the Crossroads of Asia (Authentic Recipes Series)

Download Ebook The Food of Malaysia: 62 Easy-to-follow and Delicious Recipes from the Crossroads of Asia (Authentic Recipes Series)

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The Food of Malaysia: 62 Easy-to-follow and Delicious Recipes from the Crossroads of Asia (Authentic Recipes Series)

About the Author

Wendy Hutton has worked in Southeast Asia as a writer and editor since 1967, specializing in travel and cuisine. She is particularly interested in the cuisines of South and Southeast Asia and has published books on the food of Singapore, Thailand, and Bali including A Cook's Guide To Asian Vegetables, Green Mangoes and Lemon Grass and Handy Pocket Guide to Asian Herbs and Spices. Wendy is happiest when entertaining guests at home on her houseboat in Sabah.Luca Invernizzi Tettoni lived and worked in Asia for four decades. He specialized in books on aspects of Asian art, culture, history and nature, and is well-known for his photography in books like Thai Style, The Tropical House and Decorating with Flowers.

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Product details

Series: Authentic Recipes Series

Hardcover: 112 pages

Publisher: Periplus Editions; Hardcover with Jacket edition (September 8, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0794606091

ISBN-13: 978-0794606091

Product Dimensions:

8.2 x 0.5 x 11 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.8 out of 5 stars

11 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#442,527 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

This is as authentic as you get - main problem is you might not be able to get some of the ingredients or fresh spices mentioned in the book.Malaysian Cuisine is normally spicy (close enough to Indonesian) but you can always cook without the spicy part and still maintain its local flavor.Go for the Satay (Malaysian barbeque at its best) - think of it as a Kebab with dipping Peanut sauce but instead of chunk of meats - the meats are thinly sliced on a bamboo skewer - which you can get at most grocery stores.

This is an absolutely beautiful cookbook on Malaysian cooking. The pictures are outstanding and certainly make you want to try the recipes. Not only is it well illustrated, but it also has clear directions. Some of the ingredients are difficult to find in the U.S., but substitutions are given.

after a recent visit to singapore where i sampled delicious food, i was eager to try the recipes myself. i knew amazon would be the perfect place to find a cookery book, so after searching through a selection of books i chose this one. i wasn't disappointed. as well as recipes, the author gave detailed explanations about origins and culture adsociated with malaysian cookery. the recipes are easy to follow, even if it is difficult to find some of the ingredients where i live. i recommend this book to anyone interested in good food.

Looking for a recipe for Roti Canai (Flaky Fried Indian Bread) which I recently tried and loved at a local restaurant, I was thrilled to find it in the cookbook by the chefs of Bon Ton Restaurant and Jonkers Restaurant in Kuala Lumpur and Malacca respectively.The Index of Recipes in ARFM reads like Who's Who in Malaysian cuisine. You can find recipes for satay, noodles, sauces, wontons, spring rolls, pancakes as well as all things spicy.The photography is awesome as are the other books with the "Authentic Recipes from..." title, such as the one featuring Indonesia cuisine.

Have made numerous recipes in here that were all crazy delicious. But the most fun was an egg bread called roti Jala that you dip in peanut satay sauce. And the bread looks like you're eating your grandmothers doilies. Too fun to make and more fun to eat.

Malaysian ya you want this book to cook it right


If you like periplus cookbooks and already own "the food of" version of this book, then reconsider buying this one. The new "authentic recipes from" series is just a rehash of the "food of series" with a few subtle changes such as relacing obscure recipes with more recognisable ones, bigger font and format, less on the history and some updated pictures.Overall I kind of like the recipes in the new books more as there is less filler and odd recipes, but I do like the layout and format of the older hardcover "food of" books. So if you own "the food of" and want to get this book, be prepared to sell it off as you will only end up doubling up 90% of recipes between the 2.

The Food of Malaysia: 62 Easy-to-follow and Delicious Recipes from the Crossroads of Asia (Authentic Recipes Series) PDF
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The Food of Malaysia: 62 Easy-to-follow and Delicious Recipes from the Crossroads of Asia (Authentic Recipes Series) Kindle

The Food of Malaysia: 62 Easy-to-follow and Delicious Recipes from the Crossroads of Asia (Authentic Recipes Series) PDF

The Food of Malaysia: 62 Easy-to-follow and Delicious Recipes from the Crossroads of Asia (Authentic Recipes Series) PDF

The Food of Malaysia: 62 Easy-to-follow and Delicious Recipes from the Crossroads of Asia (Authentic Recipes Series) PDF
The Food of Malaysia: 62 Easy-to-follow and Delicious Recipes from the Crossroads of Asia (Authentic Recipes Series) PDF

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