Sabtu, 24 September 2016

Ebook Free , by Nabeel Qureshi

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, by Nabeel Qureshi

Ebook Free , by Nabeel Qureshi

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, by Nabeel Qureshi

Product details

File Size: 1163 KB

Print Length: 290 pages

Publisher: Vida; DVD edition (March 24, 2015)

Publication Date: March 24, 2015

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: Spanish

ASIN: B00L0UY046

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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#239,719 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

En este libro ocurren varias cosas: primero, Nabeel cuenta su historia de conversion y cómo sus ojos fueron progresivamente abiertos a la verdad del Evangelio y a la mentira del Islam. Segundo, bajo un análisis minucioso de los textos sagrados musulmanes, Nabeel expone incongruencias y falacias lógicas en la cosmovisión islámica.Recomiendo este libro a todo aquel que quiera introducirse en el Islam, su profeta Mahoma, y las verdades de esta cosmovisión.

Me gusto muchísimo la manera amigable en que esta redactado, una vez que empecé no pude parar; ciertamente cumple su proposito de adentrarte en el seno de una familia musulmana, conociendo sus costumbres, alegrías y temores; ademas de que te muestra como fue que poco a poco nuestro Señor Jesus fue revelando su amor para con el autor, amor infinito que es para todo el que lo busca con corazón sincero, sin importar religion.Aprendí bastante, tanto del islam como de apologética cristiana; hay mucha informacion en las referencias sobre muchos otros autores para nosotros continuar con nuestro propio aprendizaje sobre el tema.

Nabeel sabe como contar una historia, no sólo nos cuenta su proceso para llegar del Islam a Cristo, tambien nos da una mirada interna a las doctrinas fundamentales del Islam y el cristianismo presentando los argumentos que transformaron su vida.

Great way to gain a better understanding of Islam and what Muslims think about Christianity

Excelente libro que retrata como el autor, con raíces musulmanas, llega a recibir a Jesucristo y su verdad, detalla la vida musulmana y como Dios logra tocar su corazón mediante la búsqueda del autor, de la verdad, y al Dios verdadero.

Sorprendente el camino recorrido por Nabeel para llegar a la verdad. Nos muestra por dentro el pensamiento musulman y nos ayuda a comprender su comportamiento.

Lo leí en solo dos días, pues la narración es apasionante. Excelente apologetica abordada. Muy recomendable. Cristianos y no cristianos deben leerlo.

Great Book. I've read it in English already, but I bought the Spanish one for my Spanish speaking friends from other countries so they can pass it along and share with others.

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Kamis, 22 September 2016

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 19 hours and 3 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Penguin Books Ltd Release Date: November 13, 2018

Whispersync for Voice: Ready

Language: English, English

ASIN: B07B3W4Q47

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

I eagerly anticipated this book for two reasons that don’t fit well together. First, although I do not know the Obamas, I have several friends who are close personal friends of both Michelle and Barack (this results from my attending law school while Barack was teaching, and living in Chicago for some years thereafter). Second, I am not particularly a fan of their politics, although I obviously have nothing against them personally. Thus, I think I can offer an objective view of this book—and I found it both moving and worthwhile.What comes across most in this book is Michelle Obama’s lack of self-pity combined with clarity of vision. I suspect this was a difficult book to write—she knew that whatever she wrote, somebody, and maybe a lot of people, would criticize her for it. She therefore focuses quite a bit on what might be called practical insight and empowerment, rather than on settling political scores. That’s probably a wise choice—after all, her husband’s terms as President showed that very few people were interested in political settlements or compromise.The first third of the book covers her childhood (“Becoming Me”). Contrary to the stereotype of Democrats as the party of the elite, Obama’s childhood, at least, was working class. She grew up in the lower middle class South Shore neighborhood of Chicago; her father was a boiler operator. Obama grew up in a stable household where her parents made their high expectations clear, though family life had its challenges, especially her father’s falling ill with multiple sclerosis. Still, she managed to go to Princeton, then Harvard Law, and then to work at the ultra-prestigious Chicago law firm of Sidley & Austin, where she met Barack (and where my wife worked, a few years after that time). I started law school in 1991, when Barack had just returned to Chicago from Harvard; he was much talked about even before he began teaching at the University of Chicago, because a high-powered Harvard graduate did not often choose to return to community organizing, rather than working for a white-shoe firm like Sidley. In contrast, Michelle Obama makes clear in this book she’s the organized, path-following one, who shows up on time, unlike her husband, which is probably why law firm life suited her better.These initial years with Barack form the second third of the book (“Becoming Us”); one can tell that Obama struggled with her husband’s political ambition, because being a political spouse always imposes tremendous costs on the one not running for office (and she is explicit she has no interest in herself running for office). In fact, she talks at some length about the couples’ counseling they had to go through as a result, though it seems to have worked out for them! All of this is quite interesting, and much more readable than the massive biography of Barack that David Garrow wrote two years ago, “Rising Star,” which defeated my repeated attempts to read it, by having far too much irrelevant detail. Michelle Obama does not make that mistake here, for which the reader, or at least this reader, is grateful.Obama closes the last third of the book with what was probably the hardest part to write, “Becoming More.” She talks about the stress, but also the opportunity to offer her vision, that being in the spotlight meant, and she criticizes Barack’s successor in office in no uncertain, but in measured, terms. At the end, she remains optimistic, but one gets a little of the feeling that she isn’t certain her optimism is warranted.I have a lot of sympathy for Michelle Obama. Every person in power, whether that power is direct or indirect, is always ultimately frustrated, but it must gall her to see the contrast between her husband and Donald Trump. I think that she picked the right path of not making that the focus of the book, though. She’s a grounded pragmatist at heart, or at least so it seems from this book. And we could all use a lot more grounded pragmatism, so her contribution to public discourse with this book is (unlike many political autobiographies) both illuminating and valuable.


I believe I always loved Michelle Obama. Her grace and dignity always seemed to come as a gift from above. Her spirit is so incredibly deep and strong. The stories from her childhood, her brother, her neighborhood, her family, inform us in a brilliant voice about what it was like in the place and time she grew up.Michelle Obama has the empathy and the depth of character so missing in her media portrayal. I always felt worried that we were suffocating her. But there is a Michelle Obama who is bigger than the words on a page. She knows our pains, and she understands our lives. And we know her in this book. In this most private book, we know her in a way we could not have otherwise. Interesting that nothing here surprises me, it only affirms what I felt like I know: Michelle Obama is a person like us. She worked and suffered and overcame.Her storytelling skills are exquisite. It left me a little breathless to hear her voice, unfettered and real.I love the photographs.

Michelle Obama is my voice, a voice that may never be heard with thoughts, feelings and experiences similar to mine yet they don’t matter until now. Thank you Mrs. Obama! For being the voice of this African American woman❤️ Everyone should buy this book!

Except for the early chapters, this is one of the best memoirs by a political leader that I have read.When it comes to first ladies, I’ve liked and respected them all. My favorite was Barbara Bush, wife of George H. W. Bush. Michele Obama, though, ranks quite highly.This work by Michelle is a definite eye opener into her life. The opening chapters show her youth, in which she grudgingly accompanied her father during his rounds in his groundwork fixing the fixable issues for the Democratic Party constituents of his boss, an alderman in Chicago.Honestly, this early part of her life could have been trimmed. Still, my understanding of the plight of black Americans in history did benefit.Despite the media’s fixation on everything Donald Trump, Michelle only mentions his name on nine separate pages. And, aside from her fear for her girls, she states nothing extraordinary about the man. I suppose it is significant that the only excerpts we have been provided by the news media is her statement that she will never forgive him for endangering her family in regards to the birther movement. In other words, for people looking for dirt, gossip, or controversy, this memoir is likely to go down as one of the least noted autobiographies in modern times.I wish, though, that the First Lady had mentioned more of Malala Yousafzai and her courageous fight for women and girls and education.BLUSH FACTOR: No worries here. Mrs Obama has set a refreshing standard, if you will, for politely apprising us of their political life without profanities.BOTTOM LINEFour stars out of five.I am striving to produce reviews that help you find books that you want, or avoid books that you wish to avoid. With your help, my improvement will help you and me improve book reviews on Amazon. Together, you and I can build a great customer review process that helps everybody. Will you join me? It is people such as you who have helped me improve over the years. I'm still learning, and I have a great deal yet to learn. With your help, I'll improve every day.One request: Be respectful and courteous in your comments and emails to me. I will do likewise with you.Thank you so much for indicating if this review helped you, or for your comment. for indicating if this review helped you, or for your comment.

A window into her life so far, Michelle Obama gives us endearing, insightful, honest memories. From growing up in a working class household in Chicago, to leaving the White House residence, her story is unique and thought provoking. If you admire and respect the Obamas, you will like this book.

I read a lot of negative reviews, but I don’t understand why. I enjoyed reading her story from her perspective. Some parts made me sad; however, I’ll always view Michelle Obama as a role model.

Slow and boring and self boasting.

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Selasa, 20 September 2016

Download PDF Down and Derby: The Insider's Guide to Roller Derby, by Alex Cohen Jennifer Barbee

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Down and Derby: The Insider's Guide to Roller Derby, by Alex Cohen Jennifer Barbee

Down and Derby: The Insider's Guide to Roller Derby, by Alex Cohen Jennifer Barbee

Down and Derby: The Insider's Guide to Roller Derby, by Alex Cohen Jennifer Barbee

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Down and Derby: The Insider's Guide to Roller Derby, by Alex Cohen Jennifer Barbee


Praise for Down and Derby“As someone who has witnessed the many transitions of roller derby almost from the beginning, I can say that this chronicle isn’t just for fans of all the stages of the game, but for anyone who wants to enjoy an inspiring story about truly fascinating people.” —Jerry Seltzer, derby pioneer and owner of the original Roller Derby league“Fast, dirty, seductive, kooky, cunning, foxy, cheeky, wicked, crazy, bad arse and most importantly, no bullshit. These are the words that tumble from my mind to my fingers having read Down and Derby. Veterans in the world of roller derby, Axles and Kasey are an inspiration to derby girls everywhere, myself included. The Whip It Hurl Scouts couldn’t have done it without them. I can’t say enough about these women or this book. Game on!” —Zoë “Bloody Holly” Bell, stuntwoman and star of Quentin Tarantino’s Death Proof “Roller derby is one of the most empowering and intriguing worlds I’ve ever come across. It’s amazing to encounter a sport where women get out there and do such extraordinary things. But derby is more than just a sport, it’s a sisterhood.” —Drew Barrymore“A rock’em sock’em history and how-to guide by two roller girls about the derby they love to death. Told in a no-BS style that makes you feel like an insider sharing a beer after the match. This is sparkly, terrific, and bad ass!” —John Doe of X“Feminism can come in the form of placards and protests, but Down and Derby proves that a girl’s liberation can also involve strapping on a pair of skates, taking on a kick-ass nickname, and throwing a few hip checks in the process.” —Marisa Meltzer, author of Girl Power“Part manifesto, part how-to-guide, Down and Derby demystifies the world of roller derby, showing readers it’s as inclusive as it is cool. After finishing this book, you no longer have an excuse for keeping your boring name or for never trying on a pair of skates. This is required reading for anyone who's searching for new ways to be fearless.” —Carrie Brownstein of Sleater-Kinney“Axles of Evil and Kasey Bomber are two of the most sincere, awesome, kick-ass women I’ve ever met. They are champions of roller derby—and not just in a flashy way but in a really smart way. Being able to have learned to skate under their wing has been one of the greatest experiences of my life. Down and Derby is the next best thing to training with them personally. If you love derby this is the book you’ve been waiting for.” —Ellen Page, star of Whip It“As the author of an old Roller Derby book, let me just say this to the new kid on the rink: up with Down and Derby. Whether you’re already a Derby doll or a doll wannabe it’s required reading.” —Frank Deford, , author of Five Strides On The Banked Track

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Product details

Paperback: 224 pages

Publisher: Soft Skull Press; Collectible/Signed edition (July 13, 2010)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1593762747

ISBN-13: 978-1593762742

Product Dimensions:

5.8 x 0.8 x 8.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 10.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.6 out of 5 stars

34 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#601,491 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

An absolutely necessary, fun, well-written, and especially encouraging book on starting, learning more about, supporting and playing roller derby! It encourages me so much as a cadet and I very often refer to this book for help on derby rules, supporting the team, and just delving more into the sport you wish to learn more about or one you choose to pursue!A must-by and a very good introduction book for anyone curious or even a vet.

Inspiring book for any new derby girl and loads of info on the history of derby and start of modern derby for any roller derby enthusiast!

I have been in Roller Derby for just under a year and so many of the comment, interviews etc in this book just made me smile (and maybe get nearly teary) as this book is so perfectly real.I loved the interviews and while I knew most of the history already, this is a great book for anyone in derby or just interested in derby.You should buy this book... and I dont tell people that very often.

A little cheesy at times, but overall it was a decent read.

I bought this as a Christmas present for my best friend last Christmas because she was part of a roller derby team. She LOVED her book!!! She said she could not put it down and finished it within the week. She even let her sister read it, and she fell in love with it too! I haven't read it but since they loved it so much, I decided to give it 5 stars!

Down and Derby is comprehensive narrative of the sport -- its rules, history, cultural impact, personalities and evolution -- written in an intelligent and light style. Every Saturday for the last two months, I've started my day with a few chapters. Now that it's done, I'm looking for my next off-the-track derby fix, but I know I'll regularly cracking this one open for tips, anecdotes and as a reference source.

I thought this was very well done. It is a great tool for anyone from the expert all the way down to the casual fan. It gives a great perspective for those thinking about joining derby at every level and in every area. It also gives a good idea of what those involved have to go through to put on the bouts for the fans. I would DEFINITELY recommend it to anyone.

This is a great history of derby with some "do's" and "don'ts" about getting involved in derby. It reads a little like a sports history written by a player as opposed to a writer, but it's still readable and well edited.

Down and Derby: The Insider's Guide to Roller Derby, by Alex Cohen Jennifer Barbee PDF
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Down and Derby: The Insider's Guide to Roller Derby, by Alex Cohen Jennifer Barbee Kindle

Down and Derby: The Insider's Guide to Roller Derby, by Alex Cohen Jennifer Barbee PDF

Down and Derby: The Insider's Guide to Roller Derby, by Alex Cohen Jennifer Barbee PDF

Down and Derby: The Insider's Guide to Roller Derby, by Alex Cohen Jennifer Barbee PDF
Down and Derby: The Insider's Guide to Roller Derby, by Alex Cohen Jennifer Barbee PDF
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Senin, 05 September 2016

Free Download Rockhounding Oregon: A Guide to the State's Best Rockhounding Sites (Rockhounding Series), by Lars Johnson

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Rockhounding Oregon: A Guide to the State's Best Rockhounding Sites (Rockhounding Series), by Lars Johnson

Rockhounding Oregon: A Guide to the State's Best Rockhounding Sites (Rockhounding Series), by Lars Johnson

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Rockhounding Oregon: A Guide to the State's Best Rockhounding Sites (Rockhounding Series), by Lars Johnson


A lapidary rockhound’s field trip companion… Every Oregon rockhound should own this text, and out-of-state visitors will certainly find it a handy guide for successful rockhounding. (Rock and Gem)

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About the Author

Born and raised in the northwest, Lars W. Johnson’s passion for absorbing geologic beauty developed early when the family took a trip south to Portland, Oregon, just in time to catch Mount St. Helens erupt in 1980. Decades, and countless rockhounding trips, later, Lars opened a retail rock shop and organized many fieldtrips, inspiring enthusiasm and inclusivity to those new to rockhounding and a renewed curiosity for locating, collecting, and sharing experiences that seasoned rockhounds could appreciate. A blog quickly spawned to share his accumulated rockhounding information ( and exploring, writing, mapping, and cataloguing became his focus. Lars belongs to several rockhounding clubs, including The Northwest Diehard Rockhounds. 

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Product details

Series: Rockhounding Series

Paperback: 288 pages

Publisher: Falcon Guides; 1st edition (July 15, 2014)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0762783664

ISBN-13: 978-0762783663

Product Dimensions:

6 x 0.7 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.6 out of 5 stars

91 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#28,882 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

ockhounding Oregon: A Guide to the State's Best Rockhounding Sites by Lars Johnson is gem of a book, please pardon the pun. It is very positive and used addition to already large collection of Rock-hounding books. I have many books on rock collecting in Oregon that discuss locations, identifying gems and minerals and where to find them. Many of these books have the same information in them. Not this book- it is TRULY different than the others by far.So what is special about this book? What do I like?First there are close to 100 collection sites discussed in length in this book. The introductory pages contain a Oregon State Map that keys and maps each sites in one big picture. Then the book discusses each of these locations at length. I am quite impressed with how this book is set up. Its an easy book to follow and is super user friendly.I found the introductory pages of Rockhounding Oregon: A Guide to the State's Best Rockhounding Sites by Lars Johnson are extremely clear and helpful. Its nice to know what equipment to bring to collect at each specific site. This rock-hounding book has beautiful pictures with each location discussed. There are large colorful pictures of all of the collection materials with 3 pages of information for on each collection site. I also have to mention the pictures are ones which I can easily relate to. This is EXTREMELY helpful when you don’t really know what to look for and /or if you have never been to that site before. My other Rock-hounding books lack pictures-and if there are pictures they are small pictures that certainly do not look much like the rocks I am looking to find or see at Rock Gem and Mineral shows. BUT NOT THIS BOOK. All the rock specimen pictures this book are quite spectacular!The GPS quadrants and directions to each collection site in the book are right on, very accurate and quite helpful when trying to find out of the way, of the beaten path collection sitesRockhounding Oregon: A Guide to the State's Best Rockhounding Sites by Lars Johnson is a very valuable resource I know I will use forever.There are so many more positive things to mention here about Rockhounding Oregon: A Guide to the State's Best Rockhounding Sites by Lars Johnson .Honestly, I cannot find one negative aspect about this book. I wish the author would write another Rock-hounding book similar in layout for my nearby state of Washington.

I read this from cover to cover the instant I got it and found it to be not only warm and personable but also loaded with lots of info so its a win/win as far as Im concerned. I only wish I would have bought the book sooner.

This is a great book for those who desire to explore Oregon's many rockhounding sites. I have used it to explore some places near Mt. Hood and the Lolo Pass, finding some awesome rocks. I recommend people get Lars W. Johnson's book "ROCKHOUNDING Oregon" and enjoy hunting for awesome rocks in this great state of ours!

A very good book for those who are interested in getting into rockhounding. Be sure to pay close attention to the car requirements though when you go to certain locations. When he states 4 wheel drive, he means it.

Picked out a location and went to it. Quartz Creek sulfide lens. The directions were slightly wrong and the comment about cyanide in the mud is misinformed. The cyanide is present in the crystal lattice of pyrite that we collected as a random inclusion into the structured matrix, not the mud, it just stinks and ruins your clothes. Maybe don't suck on the mineral??....

Great locations are in this book, not to be missed spots. Nice color photos and GPS locations. If you are interested in Oregon rock collection, this is a great companion.

This book is incredible, and I've met the offer in person this summer at a spot her wrote about. The #1 rockhounding book for oregon, ask anyone in the Facebook group called nw rockhounds

It is a great book, I have gone on a few trip since getting it. A couple routes are dangerous! Definitely use caution and if it says 4 wheel drive suggested, it is likely that it is mandatory.

Rockhounding Oregon: A Guide to the State's Best Rockhounding Sites (Rockhounding Series), by Lars Johnson PDF
Rockhounding Oregon: A Guide to the State's Best Rockhounding Sites (Rockhounding Series), by Lars Johnson EPub
Rockhounding Oregon: A Guide to the State's Best Rockhounding Sites (Rockhounding Series), by Lars Johnson Doc
Rockhounding Oregon: A Guide to the State's Best Rockhounding Sites (Rockhounding Series), by Lars Johnson iBooks
Rockhounding Oregon: A Guide to the State's Best Rockhounding Sites (Rockhounding Series), by Lars Johnson rtf
Rockhounding Oregon: A Guide to the State's Best Rockhounding Sites (Rockhounding Series), by Lars Johnson Mobipocket
Rockhounding Oregon: A Guide to the State's Best Rockhounding Sites (Rockhounding Series), by Lars Johnson Kindle

Rockhounding Oregon: A Guide to the State's Best Rockhounding Sites (Rockhounding Series), by Lars Johnson PDF

Rockhounding Oregon: A Guide to the State's Best Rockhounding Sites (Rockhounding Series), by Lars Johnson PDF

Rockhounding Oregon: A Guide to the State's Best Rockhounding Sites (Rockhounding Series), by Lars Johnson PDF
Rockhounding Oregon: A Guide to the State's Best Rockhounding Sites (Rockhounding Series), by Lars Johnson PDF
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Jumat, 02 September 2016

Get Free Ebook Civil Service Exam Secrets Study Guide: Civil Service Test Review for the Civil Service Examination (Mometrix Secrets Study Guides)

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Civil Service Exam Secrets Study Guide: Civil Service Test Review for the Civil Service Examination (Mometrix Secrets Study Guides)

Civil Service Exam Secrets Study Guide: Civil Service Test Review for the Civil Service Examination (Mometrix Secrets Study Guides)

Civil Service Exam Secrets Study Guide: Civil Service Test Review for the Civil Service Examination (Mometrix Secrets Study Guides)

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Civil Service Exam Secrets Study Guide: Civil Service Test Review for the Civil Service Examination (Mometrix Secrets Study Guides)


Our Study Guide for the Civil Service Exam Is Unlike Any OtherIf you'd like to get the Civil Service exam score you deserve, to quit worrying about whether your Civil Service exam score is "good enough," and to beat the test taking game, then this might be the most important message you read this year.Our comprehensive Civil Service exam study guide is written by our Civil Service exam experts, who painstakingly researched every topic and concept you need to know to ace your Civil Service exam. Our original research into the Civil Service exam, offered by the state licensing boards, reveals specific content areas and skills that are critical for you to know on the Civil Service exam. We've taken that information and developed a study guide that is guaranteed to help you be successful on the Civil Service exam.Now, we know you may be skeptical, so let us give you three good reasons we can back up what we claim:The Three Reasons To Believe What We SayThe First Reason:Our company's name is Mometrix Test Preparation, and we have a team of standardized test researchers who have worked on developing our study guide for the Civil Service Exam. The standards for who gets to work on the team are very strict- we demand the best for our customers, and only those who met our exacting standards made the cut. The dedicated research staff have years of combined experience in mastering the content and skills necessary to succeed on the toughest exams.The Second Reason:Some academic studies have revealed that test takers do not really benefit from the traditional test preparation process. But we knew there had to be a solution- if test takers were not doing well on the Civil Service Exam despite high intelligence, there had to be a set of secret keys to the test that would open the door of success for these test takers.We believe we have succeeded in finding the secret keys of the exam. What we found was surprising, and in some cases ridiculously simple once explained to the average test taker.We put the findings together in a thorough, concise study guide that we believe allows any test taker, at any skill level, to improve his or her results dramatically with a minimum of effort.The Third Reason:We created the product in part because we were frustrated by the options available to test takers who really wanted to do well on the Civil Service Exam.A common approach is to TEACH the material, instead of TEACHING THE TEST. That's not necessarily good enough for the Civil Service Exam- you have to know how to apply the knowledge. Most test takers already have a general knowledge of the material that will be covered on the exam.One reason some test takers do well on the day of the test is that they have made the critical connection between the material they learned and how to use the material to succeed on the Civil Service Exam.Our guide addresses the difference between merely knowing the material and knowing how to use the material to perform on test day.You're going to save time, money, and aggravation. You'll learn to avoid the mistakes and the bad strategies that you've been vulnerable to. --Just for starters, here are some ways our product can help your score on the Civil Service exam...The Exclusive Test Taking TechniquesShows you super speed methods to get through the questions you know with ease- Saving you time so you concentrate on the hardest questions without rushingKeys to questions that "give away" the wrong (or right) answers- You get credit for some of the questions without really even knowing anything about themDetails the EXACT STUDY PLAN for the Civil Service exam that we believe gives the most results in the least time- No matter if you're studying for a week or a month, you won't waste the precious study time you have on useless activitiesGet quick, customized help for the questions you have- just send us a quick email and we'll get back to you promptly with the answer.Gives you an attack plan for handling Clerical Abilities problems - You'll understand how to answer them quickly and efficientlyOur researchers are more than just academic theoreticians who understand the technical nature of standardized tests, but are also experts on test taking itself- they reveal the exact skills and the information you'll need to perform under pressure during the test.A systematic analysis and the best breakdown into "plain language" of how to deconstruct and master dictation instructions- You turn the problems that most of the test takers will stumble over to your advantageThe secret keys that "gives away" the right answer a lot of the time- You know the special "flags" and the specific "giveaways" to look forLearn why, when, and how to guess to your advantage. Many test takers use exactly the wrong strategy, but you can avoid the pitfalls with the help of our standardized test expertsThe most efficient and accurate method for picking the right answer on tough Verbal Abilities questions- You won't be puzzled trying to answer the question, but will instead know exactly what to look for to pick the best answerIncludes instructions detailing the best way for you to get started with your preparation efforts so you can begin the path of improving your scores immediatelyThe research of our team of test experts is 100% independent and originalCourteous, unlimited customer service is 100% free- if you need the product emailed to a different address, lose the product, or have any other difficulty- the help you need is just a short email away. Our representatives are active 7 days a week helping customersOur exclusive "calibration strategy" to help you never go too fast OR too slow when answering even the toughest questionsThe 5-step process we've developed, what we call the "phased" approach, concerning the use of the various study aids and practice testsHow the problem of procrastination can kill your chance of success, and the most important thing you can do about itHow to know when you've studied as much as you need to for the exam- and the reason why we think some people should spend LESS time studying for the testThe Top 20 things you should take care of within 24 hours of taking the test- use the list we provide as a checklist to make sure you've taken care of the "little things" in addition to studying hardHow to predict the right answer before you see the answer choices- and how to prevent the wrong answers from "polluting" your mind and tempting you into a trap designed by the test writersWhy answers that "sound" correct are often the very ones that are wrong- and how to tell the difference between the right answer and the many clever-sounding traps set for you by the test writers --Our "benchmark" method for deciding which of the answer choices you should pickDo you know what a "hedge phrase" is? Learn why looking for the key "weasel words" in the question can help identify the correct answerWhy "new information" in the answer choices almost always means that the answer choice is wrong- and the way to avoid this trick planted by the clever test writersLearn to avoid this time-draining mistake on the test - why the technical terms you don't know can be a major stumbling block and waste precious time, and the way that you can work around themThe secret to using the contextual clues in the questions and the answer choices to make important distinctions between the right and the wrong answer choicesThe two situations where you should NOT check your answers thoroughlyHow to avoid careless mistakes by using the quick "double check" system. It will more than pay for itself relative to the time it will take youTest writers will often quote directly from the question in an answer- learn whether this is something you should trust or avoidWhy "extreme statements" in the answer choices are dead giveaways for wrong answers- find out how to detect the subtle differences between reasonable answers and the answers that are almost always wrongLearn how to group your answer choices into "families" that often narrows down the pool of correct answers- this is a quick way to immediately eliminate one or two of the answer choices and increase your odds of getting the question rightNow, you're probably wondering how and why we can do all the things we claim.Let us explain.Before we go any further, let us clarify what Civil Service Exam Secrets is not. It is not a stale rehash of all of the things you have already learned in the past.Civil Service Exam Secrets is our exclusive collection of the tips and the information that we have specially selected to give you the best results on the Civil Service Exam for the least time spent studying. It's written in everyday language and is easy to use.We cover the 5 essential skills necessary to do well on the Civil Service exam, plus comprehensive reviews covering the Verbal Abilities, Clerical Abilities, Typing Test, and Dictation Test sections individually.Don't take our word for it. Listen to what our customers say about other Mometrix test preparation products.I purchased the Secrets file, and I just wanted to let you know that I got a 99% on my test. I just want to thank you again, and hope you have continued success in your ventures. Sincerely, Paul L.My name is Chris. I used the Secrets study guide for five days. The study guide made the test so easy to understand. Like you said this program is worth 100's of dollars. To me 1,000's!! THANKS, Chris G.I just had to thank you guys for the test prep! I bought the guide as a last minute prep, I mean maybe 5 hours before the test. Like I said, I had ZERO preparation! I was nervous about the test let alone receiving the score I needed. I read the guide through only once before test time and needless to say, the only way I passed was thanks to your refresher!! BrianJust dropping you a note to let you know that I am completely satisfied with the product. I had already taken the test once and landed in the 75 percentile of those taking it with me. I took the test a second time and used some of your tips and raised my score to the 97 percentile. Thanks for my much improved score. Denise W.I heard about your website from a friend. I am enrolled in a review course, and in hindsight, I wish I wouldn't have taken my review course and instead spent a fraction of the money on your program. Thank you! Zac L.You get at least 10 times your money's worth! --When you consider what's at stake with the exam, we believe the value of our study guide gives you at least ten times your money's worth.

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Product details

Series: Mometrix Secrets Study Guides

Paperback: 199 pages

Publisher: Mometrix Media LLC; Stg edition (March 15, 2016)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1627339604

ISBN-13: 978-1627339605

Product Dimensions:

8.5 x 0.4 x 11 inches

Shipping Weight: 1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.4 out of 5 stars

60 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#105,883 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Yes there were some "tips" that would help when taking any test. However, this did not really prepare me for the actual test of 50 questions to be answered in 12 minutes. Not sure if this is the typical test for Municipals and therefore this book did not help any more than the ones I got from the library. I was hoping for an extra "edge" with the purchase of this study book. I was prepared for a timed test with multiple choice answers. I did not get this type of test from the City. I had to write out most of my answers so there was no "guessing" by process of elimination. I'd recommend visiting your local library first.

The book has a lot of content but very poor explanations. I have taken the tests and this book was not helpful at all. If you are simply trying to study for an upcoming law enforcement test, do NOT buy this book. You will not understand 95% of it and will be better off finding other means to study. Please do not waste your money.

I returned this item. I don't feel that it had any useful information for my civil service exam. I actually received a 75 on my exam after reading through this so no I would not recommend this book. It is misleading and does not help at all!

Great study, especially for those people have been out of school for many years.

Good book; could use more samples but very helpful overall

If you are taking the civil service for police this won't help you at all don't waste the money

Perfect for studying.. I passed !!

Easy to read. Organized. Great tips and practice exams.

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Civil Service Exam Secrets Study Guide: Civil Service Test Review for the Civil Service Examination (Mometrix Secrets Study Guides) PDF

Civil Service Exam Secrets Study Guide: Civil Service Test Review for the Civil Service Examination (Mometrix Secrets Study Guides) PDF
Civil Service Exam Secrets Study Guide: Civil Service Test Review for the Civil Service Examination (Mometrix Secrets Study Guides) PDF
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