Selasa, 30 September 2014

Download , by Collin Hansen

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, by Collin Hansen

, by Collin Hansen

, by Collin Hansen

Download , by Collin Hansen

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, by Collin Hansen

Product details

File Size: 911 KB

Print Length: 177 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: The Gospel Coalition; 1 edition (September 19, 2017)

Publication Date: September 19, 2017

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English

ASIN: B075SNB843



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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#2,559 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Reading Charles Taylor's A Secular Age was life-changing for me. As one who has been engaged in research and study for the past 30 years, I have found Taylor's work to meet contemporary challenges for a thorough-going hermeneutic and a recovery of transcendence. It is refreshing to read this new work edited by Collin Hansen as it focuses on the application of Taylor's understanding of the "state of belief" in our contemporary secular world. While agreeing with all of the outstanding reviews, I can personally add that this book significantly addresses the issues of living an authentic life rooted in a self-knowledge that is based on a Christian hope in "the central promise of a divine affirmation of the human, more total than humans can ever attain unaided" which Taylor holds to be implicit in the history of Judeo-Christian theism. This book on "ten years of reading and applying Charles Taylor" presents immense possibilities for a new, enlarged vision that can transform individual lives as well as a culture. Bruce Riley Ashford closes his essay with the following: "We must embrace the moment God has given us - a secularized, cross-pressured, fragilized moment." This book, in its application of Taylor, will set one on a path of spirituality that far exceeds the fragmented forms of identity that comprise the times in which we are living. Bob Cutillo's essay presents incredible insights and implications for moving into relationships with others that can bring a path for healing and wholeness. This book will lead one out of frustration into new adventures of joy!

Charles Taylor's A Secular Age has deeply shaped my thinking. In light of that, this volume from Collin Hansen was the book I've been looking for, hoping for, and waiting for — a book that would help me further apply Taylor's insight's to Christian ministry, especially pastoral ministry. I'm impressed by the broad range of topics discussed. Taylor's work is known as an intellectually rigorous endeavor, but these essays, while challenging, are accessible, lively, creative, and practical. This book would be an ideal resource to read and discuss in community with other ministry practitioners. I plan to start a book club with it quite soon!

Never before have I read a book that so succinctly discerns the hopes, fears, and desires of our present culture. It is more than an exegesis on culture though, it gives practical principles for effective ministry.

The essays here are all really thoughtful and deeply engage with the thought of Charles Taylor and the implications for faithful Christian witness in various spheres. If you don't have time to wade through Taylor yourself, these are wise guides. Most of the essays are thoughtful reflections in the authors sphere of ministry (young adults, preaching, worship, arts and culture, politics) -- and I appreciate that both Trueman and Horton -- in the areas of history and theology -- engage substantively and critically with some of Taylor's analysis, especially the part the Protestant Reformation plays in his story of secularism, and Taylor's own theological clarity. Thanks to this book, I feel like I have a handle on what appear to be some of Taylor's most helpful insights -- like the buffered self vs the porous self; the imminent frame of modernity, the age of authenticity, the subtraction story, and the Nova Effect of pluralism. Excited to discuss it with other ministry co-laborers.

Excellent book for those of us not familiar with the work of Charles Taylor. The essays help to understand Taylor and expand his ideas.

Thank you, Colin Hansen for synthesizing "the times in which we live" and what Charles Taylor wrote about love 1 decade ago. How relevant in this year of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation.

Interesting take on Taylor's book. I think they have missed the point mostly, not sharing the ethos in which their Calvinist tenets are called into question, though some struggle with more integrity than others. But the first review essays I'd read beyond Smith's book and helpful for broadening my perspective.

I think reading, How Not to be Secular, and the actual book, A Secular Age, would be more beneficial. Not bad though, just not what I was looking for.

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Minggu, 28 September 2014

Ebook iMovie '09 & iDVD: The Missing Manual

Some people might be chuckling when considering you reading IMovie '09 & IDVD: The Missing Manual in your downtime. Some may be admired of you. As well as some might desire resemble you who have reading pastime. Just what about your own feel? Have you felt right? Reading IMovie '09 & IDVD: The Missing Manual is a demand and a pastime at the same time. This problem is the on that will certainly make you really feel that you have to check out. If you understand are searching for guide entitled IMovie '09 & IDVD: The Missing Manual as the option of reading, you can find here.

iMovie '09 & iDVD: The Missing Manual

iMovie '09 & iDVD: The Missing Manual

iMovie '09 & iDVD: The Missing Manual

Ebook iMovie '09 & iDVD: The Missing Manual

Do you really feel much better after completing a book to check out? Just what's your sensation when getting a brand-new book again? Are you tested to review and also complete t? Excellent reader! This is the time to conquer your goo behavior of analysis. We reveal a better book again to take pleasure in. Seeing this website will be also packed with willingness to check out? It will not make you really feel bored because we have numerous types and also type of the books.

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iMovie '09 & iDVD: The Missing Manual Review

Apple's iMovie '09 is more accessible and comprehensive than iMovie '08--and impressive right out of the box. The one thing not in the box is a user's guide, and that's where this book comes in. You'll make the most out of the applications if you get help from the experts. iMovie '09 and iDVD: The Missing Manual explains everything you need to know to turn raw digital footage into high quality film. Stabilizing Shaky Footage By David Pogue and Aaron Miller Not every piece of video needs fancy effects. In fact, most video is probably better without a Dream filter and Picture-in-Picture. The unadulterated stuff straight from your camera usually looks best. In fact, if your footage needs any help at all, it’s probably in the cameraman department. Don’t take this personally. Handheld shots, the most common kind of home video, are notoriously unstable, and that’s an instant giveaway that you’re an amateur. You can have the hands of a surgeon and still end up with shaky footage. This is true even with all the newfangled image stabilization technology that comes in the latest cameras. Don’t give up (and don’t resort to carrying a tripod everywhere). iMovie ’09 can stabilize your video after the fact, using one of its most amazing new features. Video Stabilization iMovie has powers that leave other “beginner” video-editing programs panting with envy. It’s filled with tools that have historically been found only in professional editing programs. iMovie’s stabilization feature, for example, is inherited from Apple’s $1,000 Final Cut Pro software. It works by analyzing every single frame in a clip, recognizing the changes in both camera position (movement up, down, left, or right) and camera rotation. Once it figures that bit out, it knows how to slide and rotate your clips to iron out the shakes. Unfortunately, this sort of analysis takes a very long time—roughly ten minutes for every minute of video (more or less depending on your Mac’s speed). The results, however, are worth it. The stabilization feature works absolute magic on most jerky, bumpy handheld footage. It works so well, in fact, that it can look positively creepy, as though you were floating along on a magic carpet. Fortunately, there’s a slider that lets you control how much stabilizing goes on. Four Ways to Trigger Stabilization Analysis Before iMovie can stabilize your video, it has to perform the above-mentioned analysis, which takes a long time. Fortunately, you have a lot of control over when the program does this processing: 1) Stabilize during import. You’re offered the opportunity to perform the analysis when you bring the footage into your Mac, as described in Chapter 1. 2) Stabilize selected clips. You can analyze certain clips at any time. Select one, or a group of them, and then choose File-->Analyze for Stabilization. 3) Stabilize an entire Event. In the list, click an Event’s name and then choose File-->Analyze for Stabilization. This option is great if the Event in question is someone jumping on a trampoline during an earthquake. 4) Stabilize a clip in the Event Browser. Double-click the clip to open the Inspector panel. Click Analyze Entire Clip as shown in Figure 7-1. 5) Stabilize a clip that’s already in the storyboard. Point to the clip, and then from the gear-icon menu, choose Clip Adjustments. On the panel that appears, turn on “Smooth clip motion.” This is a great trick when you’re looking over a project in progress and discover that one particular jerky shot is ruining the flow. It can also save you a lot of time, because iMovie stabilizes only the 20 seconds of a clip that you’ve actually used—plus an additional second on either side—rather than processing the 15-minute original (see Figure 7-2). If you later decide to lengthen the clip you stabilized (by more than a second), you’ll need to do more analyzing. The once-checked checkbox in the Inspector will require rechecking. Fortunately, iMovie analyzes only the new part you added that wasn’t already analyzed. Then go knit a sweater while you wait for your Mac to analyze your footage. Be prepared for a wait when you decide to analyze a clip. Depending on the speed of your computer, it can take between five and twelve minutes (or longer for older Macs) for every minute of footage stabilized. If you have a lot to analyze, let the Mac do its job overnight while you get some beauty sleep. A stabilized clip in your project displays a checkmark in the Stabilization box, plus the Maximum Zoom slider. Turn Stabilization on and off all you like; iMovie never has to analyze a clip but once.

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About the Author

David Pogue, Yale '85, is the weekly personal-technology columnist for the New York Times and an Emmy award-winning tech correspondent for CBS News. With 3 million books in print, he is also one of the world's bestselling how-to authors. He wrote or co-wrote seven books in the "for Dummies" series (including Macs, Magic, Opera, and Classical Music); in 1999, he launched his own series of complete, funny computer books called Missing Manuals, which now includes 30 titles. David and his wife Jennifer Pogue, MD, live in Connecticut with their three young children.

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Product details

Series: Missing Manual

Paperback: 464 pages

Publisher: O'Reilly Media; 1 edition (April 1, 2009)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0596801416

ISBN-13: 978-0596801410

Product Dimensions:

7 x 0.9 x 9.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.8 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.2 out of 5 stars

42 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#1,169,948 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

"Grateful" is the only word I can think of when I read books like this. I can appreciate one reviewer's comment when they said they were "late for the Video party." I'm so late for the party, I thought everyone would have gone home, the food put away and the lights out. I'm 80 years old and setting forth on an exhileratingly new adventure. Although I've danced (and taught dancing) for over 60 years, it has become obvious that it's almost impossible to pursue my passion without a certain amount of digital and electronic knowledge. I had absolutely none. Not only is this gorgeous Macbook becoming my best friend, this wonderful "iMovie 09" book has transported our dance classes into magical musical productions.I am so grateful to David Pogue that it brings tears to my eyes. I've spent the last 4 months studying this book. That may sound like an extremely long time to many of you but I'd challenge you to learn dancing in 4 months. :) I started without a clue of how to make a movie, let alone even run a digital camera. My first DVD was absolutely terrific. We started with our Rumba class and then went on to Colombianas. My students are so thrilled, we have started our own little fun video production company.I'm not Pollyanna saying everything always went "zippity do dah" well. When I made boo boo's it was not the book's fault. Not at all. It was always my lack of basic knowledge. I would like to interject here, that I began my computer knowledge (I use that word lightly) with Pogue's Mac OS X Leopard. But that would be another review.So all you people who are able to buzz through this book because you already have a background of basic computer and digital, I applaud you and want to remind you how lucky you are to have found this path so much earlier than I have. But Whoopee, I did find it and I found this book as my daily guide. My next challenge is learning to send to YouTube and and Mobileme. Thank you David Pogue. Manzanita

This is an excellent readable book. Pogue does his usual great job of combining the necessary everyday material and the offbeat with clarity and humor. Since the chapters are pretty much independent it allowed me to check out the chapters on subjects like Safari and Mail that had many changes and that I use a lot. He almost always comes up with some neat trick I'm not aware of that saves time or allows operations I was not aware of.

"The Missing Manual" is a perfect title, as this publication doesn't cover the most basic of problems that 90-100% of iMovie users will encounter. - There is no procedure, technique, setting or Inspector correction that will reduce/eliminate the "fuzzy" end product. Rather than point out to customers that iMovie is a computer-generated software, with it's own capability limitations, (different from a camera, which has it's own limitations), this manual covers all the functions of the various buttons and switches, but neglects to say: "So, after you spend countless hours saving your labor-intensive, edited images/tracks to iMovie or desktop, you will end up with a "fuzzy" end product that you will be embarrassed to show to anyone.

Not sure this helped much. I think the whole imac system is better now as far as intuitive goes......i hope so.

Very good customer satisfaction.

Great job on this new Missing Manual. It's a huge help for anyone moving from iMovie 6 to iMovie 9 with it's very new, much more mainstream approach to video editing. As usual with the Missing Manual series, this book saved me hours of trial and error learning and let me start editing footage right away.

This is an excellent resource to learn iMovie 09. I have gone through it a couple of times and found so many tricks for making great home movies. I was blown away by what iMovie 09 can do. Perhaps my expectations were too low, but for much less than $100 (for iLife 09) you are able to make some really nice home movies and distribute them in many different ways. This book has a nice flow and introduces various movie and iMovie concepts easily and comfortably. I suggest it.

Mainly because I ended up with a non-Mac PC.

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iMovie '09 & iDVD: The Missing Manual PDF

iMovie '09 & iDVD: The Missing Manual PDF
iMovie '09 & iDVD: The Missing Manual PDF
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Jumat, 05 September 2014

PDF Ebook Book Bundle Package: Miss Passport Travel Guides Presents: Turkey + Egypt + Morocco + Cape Town Travel Guides: Bull City Publishing Book Bundles 33

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Product details

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 2 hours and 4 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Bull City Publishing, LLC Release Date: January 3, 2019

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

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Book Bundle Package: Miss Passport Travel Guides Presents: Turkey + Egypt + Morocco + Cape Town Travel Guides: Bull City Publishing Book Bundles 33 PDF

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