Senin, 19 April 2010

Ebook Free The Food of Indonesia: Delicious Recipes from Bali, Java and the Spice Islands [Indonesian Cookbook, 79 Recipes], by Lother Arsana

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The Food of Indonesia: Delicious Recipes from Bali, Java and the Spice Islands [Indonesian Cookbook, 79 Recipes], by Lother Arsana

The Food of Indonesia: Delicious Recipes from Bali, Java and the Spice Islands [Indonesian Cookbook, 79 Recipes], by Lother Arsana

The Food of Indonesia: Delicious Recipes from Bali, Java and the Spice Islands [Indonesian Cookbook, 79 Recipes], by Lother Arsana

Ebook Free The Food of Indonesia: Delicious Recipes from Bali, Java and the Spice Islands [Indonesian Cookbook, 79 Recipes], by Lother Arsana

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The Food of Indonesia: Delicious Recipes from Bali, Java and the Spice Islands [Indonesian Cookbook, 79 Recipes], by Lother Arsana

About the Author

Heinz von Holzen, a chef and restaurateur based in Bali, trained in his native Switzerland before working in Australia and Singapore and coming to Bali in 1990. He wrote the first cookbook ever published on Bali's fascinating cuisine in 1993. An enthusiastic food photographer since 1987, he coordinated the recipes and photographed the food within this volume as well. Lother Arsana has over 20 years of experience as a chef and is responsible for the Indonesian cuisine served at the Grand Hyatt Bali. He has been involved in food promotions internationally and has an extensive knowledge of Indonesia's regional cuisine.

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Product details

Paperback: 112 pages

Publisher: Tuttle Publishing; Reprint edition (February 10, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0804845131

ISBN-13: 978-0804845137

Product Dimensions:

8.2 x 0.3 x 11 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.8 out of 5 stars

17 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#86,691 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

a very good book, with lots of explanation especially good for people that are not too familiar with the Indonesian cuisine.I cook a lot of Indonesian cuisine, I was born on one of the islands, and my grandmother is Indonesian, so I can give this book a good rating

The recipes I've tried so far taste much like I remember from our family dinners, Dutch/Indo socials and pot luck gatherings. The tastes and aromas are heavenly and inspire me to want to try more. I am pleased so far.

Tasty recipes that are easy to follow. I like the photographs and staple binding. The ingredients are nicely explained in three forward section, and I was able to find nearly all of them at my local Asian grocery.

Great cookbook! Excellent quality, beautiful contents. The information is beneficial and covers a lot. The recipes' difficulty levels are simple to moderate and representative of indonesian cuisine in general.

Product is exactly how its described. No surprises :) Would purchase again !

Arrived in great condition. Lots of photos and lots of recipes I wanted. Very pleased.


Nice introduction into Indonesian food along with recipes.

The Food of Indonesia: Delicious Recipes from Bali, Java and the Spice Islands [Indonesian Cookbook, 79 Recipes], by Lother Arsana PDF
The Food of Indonesia: Delicious Recipes from Bali, Java and the Spice Islands [Indonesian Cookbook, 79 Recipes], by Lother Arsana EPub
The Food of Indonesia: Delicious Recipes from Bali, Java and the Spice Islands [Indonesian Cookbook, 79 Recipes], by Lother Arsana Doc
The Food of Indonesia: Delicious Recipes from Bali, Java and the Spice Islands [Indonesian Cookbook, 79 Recipes], by Lother Arsana iBooks
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The Food of Indonesia: Delicious Recipes from Bali, Java and the Spice Islands [Indonesian Cookbook, 79 Recipes], by Lother Arsana Mobipocket
The Food of Indonesia: Delicious Recipes from Bali, Java and the Spice Islands [Indonesian Cookbook, 79 Recipes], by Lother Arsana Kindle

The Food of Indonesia: Delicious Recipes from Bali, Java and the Spice Islands [Indonesian Cookbook, 79 Recipes], by Lother Arsana PDF

The Food of Indonesia: Delicious Recipes from Bali, Java and the Spice Islands [Indonesian Cookbook, 79 Recipes], by Lother Arsana PDF

The Food of Indonesia: Delicious Recipes from Bali, Java and the Spice Islands [Indonesian Cookbook, 79 Recipes], by Lother Arsana PDF
The Food of Indonesia: Delicious Recipes from Bali, Java and the Spice Islands [Indonesian Cookbook, 79 Recipes], by Lother Arsana PDF
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