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Product details
File Size: 4222 KB
Print Length: 256 pages
Publisher: Baker Academic; 3 edition (March 18, 2014)
Publication Date: March 18, 2014
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#72,596 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
Borrowed this book from My Pastor. It was really the only authoritative source to look for not only the biblical insight that's needed for a preacher, but real world examples that are shared from experience behind the pulpit. It is a call you receive from God alone, with skills you craft from those who have walked out before you. I'm thankful for resources like this that don't sugar coat or water down the accountability a shepherd has to his flock and to his God.
It's as honest as it gets for preaching. Good structural advice, excellent preparation skill building and enough God in it to keep the pressure off without letting those who would preach off the hook. I read this every couple years just to learn how to better communicate in my day to day, much less a pulpit, book writing, devotional or anything else I might be called to.
This is the first book about preaching that I have ever read and because of the work of the Holy Spirit through Pastor Robinson by this book, I was able to deliver my first sermon with some semblance of boldness. Thank you for submitting to God by writing this great work. This book met me right where I am as a seminary student: academically, mentally, theologically, but most importantly spiritually. This book is comprehensive in that it covers most of what you think or would not even first think preaching involves. The most important thing is that Robinson spends the most time on the things that matter most, the spiritual preparation of the preacher and getting the meaning of the text right (to name a few)! Thankfully, his emphasis on the things that matter does not mean that he neglects other elements of preaching. He spends time on voice, dress, gesturing. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and was even prompted to have some devotional time with The Lord after some of the readings.
Haddon Robinson presents one of the evangelical classics on preaching. The work represents the sum total of the traditional methods of homiletics and does it in a manner that will resonate with many expository preachers. For the most part, the work introduces little new information, but certainly does an excellent job repackaging the material for the modern expositor. Some of the new topics include the concept of a inductive message, which is still quite new for most preachers in conservative circles. Another helpful item in this work is its structure. The structure of the entire book is designed to give the expositor a number of stages to mark the progression from the text to the sermon. As a helpful secondary source, I would also recommend Bryan Chapell's Christ-Centered Preaching: Redeeming the Expository Sermon.
Well written, concise given the broad topic. Useful for people of various levels of theological training to improve their service.
Introduction"In this book, I pass on a method to those learning to preach or to experienced people who want to brush up on the basics" (14). So says Dr. Haddon Robinson as he offers this second edition of this classic volume known as Biblical Preaching: The Development and Delivery of Expository Messages. Though first published in 1980, this work is still a staple in homiletics departments and pastors' studies across the world.Robinson received his Ph.D. at the University of Illinois and serves as the Harold John Ockenga Distinguished Professor of Preaching at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Prior to this position, he served as president and professor of homiletics at Denver Seminary after teaching homiletics at Dallas Theological Seminary for nineteen years.SummaryChapter One, entitled "The Case for Expository Preaching," Robinson begins by saying, "This is a book about expository preaching, but it may have been written for a depressed market." In this chapter, Robinson shows the lack of regard for expository preaching in evangelical circles, then outlines the church's need for this manner of preaching and exactly what expository preaching is. Chapter Two, entitled "What's the Big Idea?" displays the importance of an expositor to mine out one main concept or idea. He defines an idea as something which "enables us to see what was previously unclear" (39). He also notes that "an idea begins in the mind when things ordinarily separated come together to form unity that either did not exist before or was not recognized previously" (39).In Chapter Three, entitled "Tools of the Trade," Robinson introduces three stages in preparing expository sermons: "choosing the passage to be preached" (53), studying the passage and gathering the notes (58), then proceeding to "relate the parts to each other to determine the exegetical idea and its development" (66). Chapter Four, entitled "The Road from Text to Sermon," includes stage four which is "analyzing the exegetical idea" (75).In Chapter Five, entitled "The Arrow and the Target," Robinson covers stages five and six in the development of expository preaching: "Formulating the Homiletical Idea" in which he encourages preachers to state their exegetical idea in "the most exact, memorable sentence possible" (103); and determining the purpose for the sermon. "A purpose differs from a sermon idea, therefore, in the same way that a target differs from the arrow; as taking a trip differs from studying a map; as baking a pie differs from reading a recipe" (107).In Chapter Six, entitled, "The Shapes Sermons Take," Robinson helps the preacher decide how to accomplish the purpose of the sermon as well as outlining the sermon (stages seven and eight, respectively). Chapter Seven addresses filling in the sermon outline and, as Robinson states in his title, "making dry bones live" (139). Chapter Eight has the provocative title, "Start with a Band and Quit All Over," which deals with the preparation of introductions and conclusions.Chapter Nine, entitled, "The Dress of Thought," Robinson notes, "Gift or not, we must use words, and the only question is whether we will use them poorly or well" (184). He helps the preacher in areas such as transitions, clarity of thought, developing a personal style, and the use of metaphors. The last chapter, "How to Preach So People Will Listen," deals with the delivery of the sermon itself. Robinson says that sermons "live only when they are preached. A sermon ineptly delivered arrives stillborn" (201).Critical AnalysisWith engaging writing and timely humor, Robinson seeks to communicate one prominent theme: "expository preaching is the communication of a biblical concept" (35). Even though one would be more persuaded by his thoughts had he served more in the preaching ministry of a local church (he served at Dallas Youth for Christ from 1952-55, then as Associate Pastor at the First Baptist Church of Medford, Oregon from 1956-19581), his principles of preparing and preaching expository sermons are tremendous and will serve the Church of Jesus Christ and his ministers very well indeed.One of the strengths of this work is its pastoral nature. Preachers are not called to be lecturers and are not simply called to preach the Word of God. Preachers are called to preach the Word of God to God's people. Robinson rightly observes that "we must preach to a world addressed by the TV commentator, the newspaper columnist, and the playwright" (29). In the Preface to the Second Edition, Robinson notes how the culture has changed since 1980 when this work was first published. "Television and the computer have influenced the ways we learn and think. Narrative preaching has come into vogue and reflects the reality that listeners in a television culture think with pictures in their heads" (10). While he may go too far in giving room for narrative preaching, he rightly assesses 21st century culture. This culture is the world in which the expositor preaches. So not only does Robinson note that "as shepherds, we relate to the hurts, cries, and fears of our flocks," we must also understand the external issues to which our people are exposed every hour of every day.Along with this area of pastoral ministry in connection with preaching, Robinson also gives more room to the role and responsibility of the listener. He notes: Expositors may be respected for their exegetical abilities and their diligent preparation, but these qualities do not transform any of them into a Protestant pope who speaks ex cathedra. Listeners also have a responsibility to match the sermon to the biblical text. As Henry David Thoreau wrote, "It takes two to speak the truth -- one to speak, and another to hear." ... If a congregation is to grow, it must share the struggle (24).Robinson notes that the average listener in the pew hopes you will answer this one question: "So what? What difference does it make" (86)? Before this question is in the congregants' hearts, this question must be answered in the study as he asks, "Exactly what is the biblical writer talking about (66)?" The shared struggle starts with the preacher in the study as he wrestles with God to find out his intended meaning.Another strength in this work is the engaging humor Robinson employs in this volume. While many would consider reading a book on expositional preaching boring (even some preachers may feel this way!), Robinson's use of humor helps hook the reader in order that the reader may approach this material with ease. This example, though mentioned earlier, stands as a great example of opening up the very first chapter with humor: "This is a book about preaching, but it may have been written for a depressed market" (17). In the preface to the first edition, he makes this observation: If I can claim any qualification, it is this: I am a good listener. During two decades in the classroom I have evaluated nearly six thousand student sermons. My friends marvel that after listening to hundreds of fledgling preachers stumble through their first sermons, I am not an atheist (14).In another example after he acknowledges his debt to all who have influenced his thinking on expositional preaching, he closes the paragraph by noting, "Since all of these and others influenced me deeply, it is only fair that for weaknesses in this volume they should shoulder a large share of the blame" (15)! This brand of humor disarms the critic and relaxes those who initially approach the topic of expository preaching with any misgivings or fears.One weakness is a quote located in the Preface to the Second Edition about his view of women ministers, a view which has changed since his first edition in 1980. He notes: I've also changed my language to reflect my theology. God doesn't distribute gifts by gender. Both women and men have the ability and the responsibility to communicate God's Word. I have always believed that, but the language in my first book reflected a distinct male bias. . . . In this revision I hope I have demonstrated the fruits of my repentance (10).Robinson's theology is on display when, in an explanation of how our outlines should have development, he plays the part of a listener who asks of the preacher, "What evidence does she have for that statement" (140)? Here again he opens the door for us to peer into his theological framework which allows for women ministers. If Robinson had titled this book, "Biblical Teaching," then the reader would understand the necessity for this revision. Many men and women in our churches teach, but the New Testament sets parameters on who teaches whom and where (1 Corinthians 14:33-35, 1 Timothy 2:11-13). For twenty-seven years however, this book has borne the title, "Biblical Preaching." When Robinson notes that the theology he has is "my theology," this reviewer is troubled by the use of the `my.' For someone who claims to look to authorial intent, the description of his views seems too self-centered. This reviewer believes that his theology has strayed in this area from Scripture.ConclusionRobinson excels in bringing a topic which many would deem dry and gives it life by coupling his extensive homiletical and hermeneutical knowledge with picturesque wit. Aside from the one weakness mentioned above, this book is a must-read for every pastor and aspiring preacher of the Gospel.
In "Biblical Preaching," master preacher, Haddon Robinson, takes his readers through ten stages in the development of expository messages. These stages include: selecting and studying the passage, discovering and analyzing the exegetical idea, formulating the homiletical idea, determining the sermon's purpose, deciding how to accomplish this purpose, outlining the message, filling in the sermon outline, and preparing the introduction and conclusion. Robinson's ten-stage process is filled with valuable information and pithy insights. "Biblical Preaching" is a concise but fairly comprehensive guide to preparing an effective message from start to finish. The book provides an opportunity to learn from one of the great expositors of our time. For a more thorough study of the art and science of expository preaching I recommend "Power in the Pulpit" by Jerry Vines. In my mind, these are the two best expository preaching books I've had the pleasure of reading.
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